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Government report

1982: NSW Anti-Discrimination Board Discrimination and Homosexuality (principal author)

Research Reports

2004: Thompson, Denise, Bittman, Michael and Saunders, Peter The Impact of the Australian Catholic University’s Paid Maternity Leave Provision Sydney: Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales

— Bittman, Michael, Hoffman, Sonia and Thompson, Denise Men’s Uptake of Family-Friendly Employment Provisions Policy Research Paper Number 22, Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services, Canberra ACT: Commonwealth of Australia


2002: Winter, Bronwyn, Thompson, Denise and Jeffreys, Sheila ‘The UN Approach to Harmful Traditional Practices: Some Conceptual Problems’ International Feminist Journal of Politics 4(1), April: 72-94

2000: ‘Pure Tolerance Revisited’ Feminist Theory 1(3): 371-4

1998: ‘Individualising the Social: or, Whatever Happened to Male Domination?’ Proceedings of the Australian Women’s Studies Conference, University of South Australia, April: Australian Women’s Studies Association

1998: ‘On Arrogance: A Reply to Lynne Segal’ Feminism and Psychology 8(3): 371-4 

1995: ‘Theory and Its Discontents: Another Reply to Wendy Hollway’ Feminism and Psychology 5(4): 531-3

1994: ‘Defining Feminism’ Australian Feminist Studies no.20: 171-92

1994: Book review of Sheila Jeffreys’ The Lesbian Heresy for Women’s Studies International Forum 

1994: ‘Retaining the Radical Challenge: A Reply to Wendy Hollway’ Feminism and Psychology 4(2): 326-9

Solicited articles, chapters

1997: ‘What Is Feminism?’ Sheffield Electronic Press-

1996: ‘The Self-Contradiction of “Postmodernist” Feminism’, in Diane Bell and Renate Klein, eds Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed Melbourne: Spinifex Press

1995: ‘Finola’s Dilemma, or: If Literature and Politics Don’t Mix, What Am I Doing Here?’ Southerly Winter, pp.113-25

1993: ‘Against the Dividing of Women: Lesbian Feminism and Heterosexuality’, in Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger, eds. Heterosexuality: A Feminism and Psychology Reader London: Sage Publications 

1993: ‘Another Perspective’, in Refractory Girl, eds. Refracting Voices: Feminist Perspectives from ‘Refractory Girl’ Sydney: Refractory Girl Feminist Journal

1992: ‘Against the Dividing of Women: Lesbian Feminism and Heterosexuality’, Feminism and Psychology ‘Special Issue on “Heterosexuality”‘, 2(3), October. pp.387-98

1989: ‘The “Sex/Gender” Distinction: A Reconsideration’ Australian Feminist Studies no.10, Summer, pp.23-31

Other publications

1994: Interview for the Open Learning Series: ‘Modern Feminist Thought’, ABC Radio National

1992: Release of the Journal of Australian Lesbian Feminist Studies 2(1)

1992: Release of the Journal of Australian Lesbian Feminist Studies 1(2)

1992: ‘Rules, Principles, Policies, Standards and Guidelines: Do We Need Them?’ Journal of Australian Lesbian Feminist Studies 2(1), pp.42-50

1991: The Radical Feminist Account of Domination pamphlet: self-published

1991: Release of the Journal of Australian Lesbian Feminist Studies 1(1)

1991: ‘Feminism and Sexuality: The Political Lesbianism Debate’ Journal of Australian Lesbian Feminist Studies 1(1), pp.5-15

1984: Freedom For What? Lesbian Relationships and Responsibility pamphlet: self-published